Showing posts with label quick & easy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quick & easy. Show all posts

Friday, November 8, 2019

Avocado Smoothie

Serves: 1-2

1/2 of a large avocado
1 1/2 cups cold Almond milk
1 tsp coconut sugar


1. Peel and remove seed from avocado.

2. Add all ingredients into the blender, and blend until smooth.

3. Serve with a few cubes of ice, and enjoy.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Cranberry and Spice Oatmeal

What better way to fuel your brain, and lower your cholesterol? By fixing yourself a Hardy bowl of: Cranberry and Spice Oatmeal. Its loaded with a lot of 💓 healthy essential, your body will love.

Serve: 1

1/2 c. Old fashioned Oats

1 pinch course Himalayan salt

1/2 c. Whole Cranberries

1 1/2 tsp. Sugar ( you can use sugar substitute)

1/4 tsp. All spice


1. Bring 1 c. Water to a boil.

2. Add oats, salt, all spice, sugar and cranberries inside your bowl.

3. Once water has come to a boil, pour over your oatmeal and stir.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Apple and Spice Float

Living Better Cafe, has the perfect ice cream float, your taste buds are going to love, and why it's right up falls alley.


1 apple and spice tea bag
1 c. Cold water
1-2 scoop ice cream


1. Pour water inside the cup, and place the tea bag inside, and allow to steep, until, your preferable taste.

2. Remove the tea bag, and add in ice cream. (No sugar, or sugar substitute needed)

3. Sit back and enjoy the taste.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Money Saving Tip... Brillo Pads

*Note: The Picture that in this article comes, from the creator of this blog, her own kitchen, which, she calls it the Living Better Café kitchen.

**Note: This is your creator of Living Better Café, Katrina, as you will notice, as your reading that, I said Tuesday. As I have sent out a Fast Track notice, yesterday saying: I will be posting here and there. So, I still not have change any scheduling around. So, this post is just coming to you four days later. So, I just wanted let you all know that, I did not make an error. Do enjoy this article, as I hope that you pass it around because Living Better Café is about saving money, while eating food that you love at an effort able price.

Please consider reading this article because Living Better Café cares about you!

Living Better Café want to welcome you to, Money Saving Tip Tuesday, were every Tuesday of the week there will be a money-saving tip surprise waiting for you. Whether it be a valuable tip on how to spend less, or a money-saving recipe, Living Better Café will always keep you covered. Therefore, you don’t have to feel stressed out about how much money to spend because it all depends on where you shop, and how much you’re willing to spend. Now do you see how much comfortable living Better Café has made it for you!

Today Living Better Café is bringing you, an awesome delicious deal breaker, or recipe that will keep your wallet and taste buds happy. Therefore, why don’t you come see what has Living Better Café buzzing. I Katrina Smith at Living Better Café would be, so happy to see you here, which Living Better Café would be glad to see you to. Therefore, if you want to keep your wallet happy, consider reading what’s up ahead because Living Better Café will not leave you feeling disappointed. Smile because you chose to live Better.

Living Better Café is coming to you with a nifty kitchen craft, you can do. And it does not cost you a lot of money. Why you already have these items...right in your own kitchen, and if not, then you can grab up these items, at your grocery store. So, here is how you can create your own Brillo pads, within less than a minute.

Building your own Brillo pad

You can use either one of these separately, as you can also combine them. So, please continue to read on.

* Vegetable bag, like the one onions come in.

* Aluminum foil

* Dish washing liquid

* Baking soda

Here how to emblem the Brillo pad, if your combine them together.

1. Take out a good amount of foil, crinkle it up to the size of a ball.

2. Place the aluminum foil inside the vegetable bag, and secure it with a knot.

3. Place dish washing liquid on it, and add about a tablespoon of Baking soda. (you will need to add more, as need depending on what your cleaning.)

4. Now it time to put your Brillo pad to action.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Hazelnut-Chocolate tea

Do you love flavored tea? I know one person who does, and why of course, it's the creator of Living Better Cafe. This tea fits perfectly for this up and coming season.

Serves: 1

1 c. Water

1 tea bag

1 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder

1 tsp. hazelnut creamer


1. Allow the water to come to a boil

2. Pour water inside your cup, and place the tea bag inside to steep for 2 to 3 minutes, or until your preferable taste.

3. Add in the sugar, Cocoa powder and hazelnut creamer.

4. What are you wait for now? It's time to drink up.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Reese Cup

 Reese Cup

** Note: Coffee Talk is allowing me to share with you, my follower a recipe that is part of, Coffee Talk Theme: Secret Ingredient fix. Why I am so honored that Coffee Talk has allowed me to share it with you all. As we all know that, I Katrina the creator of both blogs enjoy making and adapting recipes for you all. So, please enjoy this adapted recipe, you see below. If you want to catch Coffee Talk in action, You can find Coffee Talk at Facebook at:  . So, come be apart of Coffee Talk followers.

* Please consider reading what secret ingredient fix has to offer because Living Better Cafe Presents..Coffee Talk cares so much about you!

Living Better Cafe Presents...Coffee Talk wants to welcome you to, secret ingredient fix were every Thursday of the week there will be a secret ingredient fix recipe post, waiting to serve you, and Living Better Cafe Presents...Coffee Talk says: The secret is finally out of the bag, and you're going to enjoy every last swallow.
Today Living Better Cafe Presents...Coffee Talk is coming to bring you a recipe that, you never knew exist by revealing the Top secret ingredient, and Living Better Cafe Presents...Coffee Talk knows you are going to enjoy every secret that  been reveled.
But, before Coffee Talk lets the secret out, Katrina has a story she wants to share. Why take it away Katrina. Why I do not mind if I do.

Welcome yet again to another Secret Ingredient fix post, Coffee Talk has yet another post that is from one of, Katrina's favorite food researcher. And will be posting another recipe from, yet again food researcher Todd Wilbur, As Coffee Talk knows how Crazy Katrina is about her favorite food researcher Wilbur. Why if you have not heard about Todd Wilbur, Katrina would re share the story again.
Welcome once again to another Secret Ingredient fix post, this post that Coffee Talk will be posting about has to do with one of my favorite food researcher, his name is Todd Wilbur, I know some of you may or may not have heard of him. Well he is, the author Top Secret Recipe books. Todd Wilbur has been out there for some time now, and the first time, I came across him, I was sitting in my living room with the remote in my hand. I was flipping through channels, when I struck by what was on the Food Network channel. So, I of course stop flipping through channels and watched what Wilbur was making. Now I can not remember exactly what he was making. But, I will say this: Wilbur has a lot of tricks up his sleeve's, and I honestly do not know how he does it. What he does is remake your favorite restaurant meals, so that you can enjoy them without spending a lot of money for the dish. May that is so what like me--to some degree, I believe. So, I will hand it back over to Coffee Talk and before I go, I want to say: "Know your food before taking the first bite."

Thanks again Katrina for sharing yet another story with your follower, As Coffee Talk enjoys hearing food related stories. Why speaking of stories, Coffee Talk has a recipe to share with you all, and it's a spin on "Reese Cup". Coffee Talk will be using  Almond Butter because there are a lot of people who live with tree nut allergies, and that's not fun. So, with that said here goes the recipe.

Reese Cup

12 cup cake paper
1 12 oz. Pkg. milk chocolate chip
1 c. Almond butter * (if you are allergic to Almond, you can always find other butter substitutes.)
1 1/2 c. powder sugar
1/4 tsp. course Himalayan Salt


1. You will need to cut off half of the cup cake paper. So, that the paper is shallower.

2. Bring about an inch of water to a simmer in a sauce pan. Set a heat-proof mixing bowl over the simmer water, making sure the water does not touch the bottom of the bowl. Stir chocolate occasionally as it softens. When do you know to remove the bowl? When you have just a few not melted pieces left in the bowl. And the heat that remain around the bowl, will melt the rest of the chocolate.

3. Using a teaspoon, spoon in small portion of the chocolate in to the middle of the cup cake paper. sketch the chocolate up on to the edge of the cup cake paper, using the back of the spoon. Coat the entire cup cake inner paper with chocolate, and then place the cup cake paper inside the muffin tin. Repeat until all compartments of the cupcake tin becomes filled up, Then place in the refrigerator. So that the chocolate can harden.

4. Combine Almond butter, powder sugar and salt in a medium size mixing bowl.

5. When the chocolate mixture has harden remove from the refrigerator, Pour almond butter mixture inside the cup cake tins. (following step 2, for heating up almond butter mixture.)

6. Spoon small portion of the almond butter in to each of the chocolate filled paper cups. Making sure to leaving extra to layer in chocolate, until the mixture harden giving about ten minutes. Using your finger, or a back of the spoon smooth out the  almond mixture. Place back in the refrigerator, until mixture has harden.

7. When the almond mixture has harden remove from the refrigerator, and add in the chocolate mixture. re-heat the chocolate on top of the stove. Once the chocolate has melted, spread over top of the almond butter and place back inside the refrigerator, until harden. And what do you know, you have a Reese Masterpiece in the center of your own kitchen.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Cracker Jacks

Universal Fair: Cracker Jacks

Adapted from:

* Please consider reading what Living Better Cafe has in store, for you.

Living Better Cafe wants to, welcome you to Universal Fair were every Wednesday throughout this Fall season. And Living Better Cafe know's your taste bud's will be sing a fair festival tone. So, Katrina hope's you enjoy this recipe down below.

Serves: 4 quarts

4 qt. popped popcorn
1 c. Spanish peanuts (if allergic do not use)
4 Tbsp. 1/2 stick Margarine
1 c. pure light brown sugar
1/2 c. light corn syrup
2 Tbsp. Molasses
1/4 tsp. Course Himalayan salt
Chocolate fudge sauce- ( I would buy the already made sauce, and drizzle over the popcorn while it's still hot. (Following step 6)


1. Preheat your oven to 250 (temperature may vary on, your location).

2. Mix together popcorn and peanuts in a medium-size mixing bowl, or on a non-stick baking sheet and place the oven.

3. Blend together all the other ingredients in a medium-size sauce pan.

4. stirring mixture over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil.

5. Using a candy thermometer, bring the mixture to a hard balling stage Which would be (260-275 degrees, or when the syrup is dipped into the cold water, it begins to form a hard pliable ball). This will take about 20 to 25 minutes, or you begin to notice the mixture slight turns darker brown.

6. carefully remove the popcorn and peanut mixture, from the oven and work in a quick paces, begin to pour the caramel mixture over top in a fine stream, and place back into the oven for about 10 minutes.

7. You are going to want to, mix every five minutes, that way all the popcorn is covered.

8. Store and cool into a air tight container, to preserve freshness.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Jack o lantern Pie

(Inspired by: Pumpkin pie & S'mores)

*Pictures will be coming near you

This recipe is the purr-ect pie, for "HALLOWEEN", as it will have your taste buds Spooked.

Serves: 8


3/4 c. Pure cane sugar
1 1/2 tps . pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp. Course Himalayan salt
1 can (15 oz) pumpkin Puree
1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk
1 Jar (7 oz) Marshmallow creme (To layer at the bottom, of the pie)

Pie shell:

3 c. Rice Krispies
1/3 c. Margarine, softened


Filling: Combine all ingredients expect marshmallow creme, in a large mixing bowl.

Pie shell: place rice krispies and margarine in a 9-in pie pan. Place aside 2 Tbsps. of rice krispies for the topping. Using the back of a spoon press down the remaining mixture evenly and firmly to the bottom and the sides of the pie pan to form the crust. Place into your refrigerator to chill.

Preparing the Pie:
1. remove the pie shell from the refrigerator, and add Marshmallow creme, to coat the bottom of the pie shell.
2. Then add in the pumpkin mixture, and spread with a spatula. place into the refrigerator until ready to serve. Dazzle it up with a dollop of whipped cream- Optional
Boost Post

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Fudge Brownie Bread

Inspired by: Brownies

Note: Picture will be coming soon

If you love brownies, you will definitely love making brownies into bread.

Serves: Varies

1 box of Brownie mix
1 (11 oz.) Jar Fudge sauce
3 lg. eggs
1/3 c. vegetable oil


1. In a medium-sized mixing bowl. Combine brownie mix, Eggs, Fudge and oil. Blend until fully incorporated. - (mixture should be smooth)

2. Pour into a well greased loaf pan, about 3/4 half way. Baking at a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes, or until cooked completely through. Check by sticking a tooth pick in the center, if it comes out clean. Fudge Brownie Bread is done.

3. Remove from the oven and allow to cool, before slicing. Once completely cooled slice and serve with whatever you want.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Strawberry-Coconut smoothie

This is not your usual Banana-Strawberry smoothie. It's even better and good tasting for you to.

* Note: Picture will be coming soon

Serves: 1

1 c. milk (You can use non dairy milk)
1 Tbsp. Chia seeds
3 fl oz. unsweetened coconut cream
4 strawberries, hulled


1. Add all ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Money Saving Tip Tuesday

Welcome to another edition of Money Saving tips.
In this edition I will be sharing some cool tips that won't break your bank, and will keep you smiling from ear to ear all the time.
Once again thank you for sticking around for, this first edition of money saving tips for this March edition. I will be bring you different money saving tip's daily on saving cash in your wallet, every Tuesday. This week on money saving tip's Living Better Cafe wants to, help you save more cash in your wallet than ever before. This week I will be giving you a Money saving recipe, yes! making delicious meals within side the comfort of your home, or wherever you maybe can also save "YOU" Money!

Yes, once again I am bring you a inexpensive recipe that, I know for sure will keep you and you're wallet happy. This recipe you all have seen displayed here at "Living Better Cafe", and some have seen it displayed at "Coffee Talk". While I just could not hold it back any longer so, here goes the recipe. But, before I present the recipe to you all. I just want to share with you that it, really all depends on where you shop for all the ingredients. Now don't just admire the photo, go sink your tastes buds into this delicious recipe and come back; to tell the world about what you think.

Apple-Potato Slaw with Lemon pepper vinaigrette

Serves: 8

2 lbs. russet potatoes
1/2 tsp. Shredded carrots
1/2 tsp. Shredded cabbage
1/2 tsp. Shredded apples
1/4 tsp. Freshly minced garlic


1. Bring a large pot with salted water to a boil. Add in potatoes and allow to cook until tender and firm, for about 15 minutes. Drain, and allow to cool before chopping.

2. In a large mixing bowl, blend together potatoes,carrots, cabbage, apples, garlic. Mix well and serve with Lemon pepper vinaigrette.

Lemon Pepper Vinaigrette

Serves: 8

1/2 c. White wine vinegar
1/2 c. Olive oil
2 tsp. Coconut sugar
2 tsp. Lemon Pepper
2 tsp. Course Himalayan salt


1. In a medium sized bowl, combine vinegar, oil, sugar, lemon pepper and salt. Pour into a glass jar and shake well.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Money Saving Tip Tuesday... Instant style Oatmeal

Welcome to another edition of Money Saving tips.
In this edition I will be sharing some cool tips that won't break your bank, and will keep you smiling from ear to ear all the time.
Once again thank you for sticking around for, this first edition of money saving tips for this February edition. I will be bring you different money saving tip's daily on saving cash in your wallet, every Tuesday. This week on money saving tip's Living Better Cafe wants to, help you save more cash in your wallet than ever before. This week I will be giving you tip's on how you can make Instant style Oatmeal.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Cinnamon tortilla chips

* note: Better than ever because their baked, and not fried.

Serves: Makes 96 pieces.

12 tortillas wraps
1 Tbsp. Coconut sugar
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg
1/4 tsp. Course Himalayan salt
Strawberry syrup ( The finisher, drizzle)
Non stick Vegetable oil spray


1. Preheat oven to 375.

2. Combine Sugar, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Salt into spice jar (make sure the mixture is blended well).

 3. Spraying both baking sheet as well as tortilla wraps, shake mixture over  each tortilla wrap (equaling about 1Tbsp for each).

4. Bake for 10 - 15 minutes, or until golden brown  and the sugar is melt it.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Fruit Salad Nacho

Serves: 4

1 (10 oz.) Pkg. Romaine lettuce
1 1/2 c. Sliced fresh strawberries
1/2 c. Cottage cheese
1/3 c. Dried cranberries
1/3 c. Raisins
1 (3 oz.) pkg. Dried Golden Delicious apples
1/4 c. Pine nuts
1 (14.5 oz.) pkg. nacho chips


1. In a large bowl blended together fruit.

2. Place nacho onto a plate with Romaine lettuce.

3. Spoon on fruit, topping with cottage cheese and maraschino cherry.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Garlic Tortilla Chips

*Tasty Bonus


4 Tortilla wraps
2-4 slices of butter, melted
2 Garlic clove, crushed
1- 2 tsp. Italian seasoning

1. Preheat oven to 350, 

2. Blend together the melted butter, crushed garlic, and Italian seasoning.

3. Placing the tortilla wrappers onto a baking dish, and with a pastry brush apply garlic mixture.

4. Bake until lightly golden brown, once completely cooled slice into miniature pizza slices.

* Tasty Bonus
Add grated Parmesan to the garlic mixture

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Taco stuffed peppers

(Inspired by: Stuffed peppers)

 Serves: 4

3 Tomatoes, seeded & chopped

2 avocados, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
2 Tbsp. Chopped fresh cilantro
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 lime, juiced
1 (15 oz.) Can black beans, drained & rinsed
1 (15 oz.) Can pineapple crushed, drained
1 1/2 tsp. Taco seasoning
3/4 c. + 2 tsp. Shredded cheddar cheese
 4 bell peppers


1. Mix until blended all ingredients except for bell peppers.

 2. Cut the tops off bell peppers, and scoop out the seeds.

Ounces all the seeds have been removed begin stuffing the peppers.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Apple pie pockets

Serves: vary

1 can biscuit dough

1/2 Tbsp. Apple pie filling
 1/2 Tbsp. Raisins
 1 tsp. Cinnamon


 1. Combine pie filling with raisins, Cinnamon and blend well.

 2. Roll each biscuit dough out to thin rounds.

Apply a Tablespoonful in the center, and roll over and press with a fork to seal close.
 Bake according to package directions.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Couscous patties

Serves: 4

1 c. Couscous

1/4 c. Finely chopped peanuts
 1/4 c. Finely chopped fresh parsley
 2 eggs, lightly beaten
 3 Tbsp. Coconut oil
1/4 c. Raisins
 Himalayan salt and Cayenne pepper


 1. In a medium saucepan, add salt to 1 1/4 c. Water and allow to come to a boil.

Whisk in couscous and turn the heat off, cover and allow to stand for 5 minutes.
 Remove cooked couscous to a bowl and mix in Parsley, peanuts,eggs, raisins, salt and Cayenne to taste.
Make sure your hands are damp, form the couscous into patties.

2. Heat oil in a dutch oven pan, over medium heat ( like a 6 on a electric stove).

 Gently place the couscous into the pan and allow to cook until golden brown, on both sides.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Salmon pattie melt

(Inspired by: Tuna melt)


1 (14.75 oz.) Can salmon, drained & flaked

3/4 c. Rolled oats
1/2 onion, sliced
1 egg
1/2 parsley, chopped
1 c. Shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 lemon, juiced
1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
4 burger buns
Himalayan salt & Cayenne pepper to taste


 1. Mix together salmon, oats, onion, egg, parsley, lemon juice, mozzarella cheese, mustard. 

In a bowl and blend it until evenly combined, then form and shape into patties.

2. In a large skillet over medium- high heat; pan fry salmon patties until completely heated through, and cook each side for 7 minutes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

pineapple mango salsa

Serves: 8

1 1/2 c. + 2 Tbsp. Chopped fresh pineapple

 1/2 c. + 2 tsp. Shallots, Julienned
 1/4 c. + 1 tsp. Chopped green pepper
 1/4 c. + 1 tsp. Chopped red pepper
 1/4 c. + 1 tsp. Chopped fresh mango
 2 Tbsp. + 1/2 tsp. Chopped cherry tomatoes
 1/2 habanero pepper, seeded and minced
1 cloves garlic, minced
 1/2 tsp. Minced fresh cilantro
 1/4 tsp. Cumin
2 Tbsp. + 1/2 tsp. Fresh lime juice


1. Mix the pineapples, shallots, green pepper, red pepper, mango, cherry tomatoes, habanero pepper, garlic, cilantro, cumin, and lime juice together in a bowl; and serve after 2 hours in refrigerator.