Hello and Welcome to, Living Better Cafe, new blog post called: Weight in. Weight in, is a written food review. And Living Better Cafe, has two written food reviews on: Dog food
When Living Better Cafe, mentioned doing different product reviews, they were serious... they're thinking about: expanding it, by adding a separate category. Like, if you were going into a super market.
Before, we jump into giving you, our review on these two brands, the founder of: Living Better Cafe, Katrina Smith, would like to say a few things.
This is Katrina Smith and, I know how crazy in love, you are about your pets. Especially, when it comes to finding food for them. And so, Living Better Cafe, has been thinking about: brunching out to different companies. And looking to create a new category, away from your food... If you could only close your eyes and, imagine Living Better Cafe as a store. Like, super Walmart you would see great place for: Benji or Biscuit. Now, I will hand it back over to: Living Better Cafe.
We had put theses two brands, Pure Balance and, Under the sun, both grain free dog food, to the test. And we will let you know who ring supreme. But, let's get to the review first.
Pure Balance: Grain Free Formula. The ingredients are clear to read, with no fillers, and artificial flavoring, with no trace of wheat, or gluten inside the ingredients. And it's rich in antioxidants.
Under the sun: Grain Free.
Their ingredients are made with farm-fresh ingredients. And when it comes to reading every ingredient, its much easier to know: what is what.
Product Comparison:
Both companies are tied, when it comes to: having Moisture in their products.
Pure Balance....Max 5.0%
Under the Sun... Max 5.0%
The verdict has been reached
Canidae independent and family owned company, Under the sun is the winner...they truly know what: Benji and Biscuit love to eat. Especially, when it comes straight from the farm.