Sunday, October 8, 2017

Reese pieces Milkshake

If you enjoy the taste of "Reese cups", you will enjoy the taste of Reese's in your cup. And besides you would even notice the different's,as the creator, Katrina Smith, had made this, a total of three times because she loves the taste of Chocolate, and peanut butter together.

Serves: 1

1/4 cup Peanut butter ( You can use, almond butter)
1/4 cup Non-dairy milk ( I used soy-milk)
1 tsp. sugar ( you can use sugar substitute)
1 tsp. flax seeds
1 Tbsp. Cocoa powder


1. Pour milk into the blender, and add in peanut butter, or almond butter, then add in sugar and flax seeds.

2. Press the milkshake button on your blender, until, everything is well incorporated together.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Green Tea Chocolate-Banana-Pear Milkshake

Why Living Better Cafe has yet another saving recipe, you are sure to love. So, why waste time, spending more money on a milkshake, you have no clue, to what's all inside. Spend le$$ on creating this milkshake, you know you're going to love.

Serves: 1

1/4 cup Green Tea
1/4 cup Non-dairy milk ( I used Soymilk)
1 tsp. Cocoa powder
1 tsp. Flaxseeds
1/4 cup Pear
1/4 cup Banana


1. Pour both tea and milk into blender, then add in, the cocoa powder, pear, banana and flaxseeds

2. Press the smoothie button on your blender, until, everything comes incorporate together.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Green tea smoothie

Why spend double the price, on a smoothie, that you really do not know, what's all inside. This smoothie is much better, and cost less then, your regular smoothie, you're taste buds adore.

Serves: 1

1/4 cup Green Tea
1/4 cup Non-dairy milk ( I used Soymilk)
1 tsp. Sugar ( you can use sugar substitute)
1/4 cup fruit (optional)


1. Pour both tea and milk into blender, then add in sugar.

2. Press the smoothie button on your blender, until, everything incorporate together.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Administrator Announcement.....A Journey into a blogger life


* Note: I know this is out of the norm. But, I figured that, you all need to see my journey. So, you all can feel a connection.
The creator of Living Better Cafe, Katrina Smith, is here to share something, you all will enjoy. Why you may think its off topic. But, with all truth and honesty, its a mixture of both. This video will take you, into a journey of my life. As that is always good to know about the person, you are receiving information from. As this is also something that is good for the soul, and what is that exactly: Laughter, that is what the doctor has prescribe. So, I will just leave you with this saying, as I always do. Happy journeys to living better.🍽️

Friday, September 22, 2017

Money Saving Tip... Brillo Pads

*Note: The Picture that in this article comes, from the creator of this blog, her own kitchen, which, she calls it the Living Better Café kitchen.

**Note: This is your creator of Living Better Café, Katrina, as you will notice, as your reading that, I said Tuesday. As I have sent out a Fast Track notice, yesterday saying: I will be posting here and there. So, I still not have change any scheduling around. So, this post is just coming to you four days later. So, I just wanted let you all know that, I did not make an error. Do enjoy this article, as I hope that you pass it around because Living Better Café is about saving money, while eating food that you love at an effort able price.

Please consider reading this article because Living Better Café cares about you!

Living Better Café want to welcome you to, Money Saving Tip Tuesday, were every Tuesday of the week there will be a money-saving tip surprise waiting for you. Whether it be a valuable tip on how to spend less, or a money-saving recipe, Living Better Café will always keep you covered. Therefore, you don’t have to feel stressed out about how much money to spend because it all depends on where you shop, and how much you’re willing to spend. Now do you see how much comfortable living Better Café has made it for you!

Today Living Better Café is bringing you, an awesome delicious deal breaker, or recipe that will keep your wallet and taste buds happy. Therefore, why don’t you come see what has Living Better Café buzzing. I Katrina Smith at Living Better Café would be, so happy to see you here, which Living Better Café would be glad to see you to. Therefore, if you want to keep your wallet happy, consider reading what’s up ahead because Living Better Café will not leave you feeling disappointed. Smile because you chose to live Better.

Living Better Café is coming to you with a nifty kitchen craft, you can do. And it does not cost you a lot of money. Why you already have these items...right in your own kitchen, and if not, then you can grab up these items, at your grocery store. So, here is how you can create your own Brillo pads, within less than a minute.

Building your own Brillo pad

You can use either one of these separately, as you can also combine them. So, please continue to read on.

* Vegetable bag, like the one onions come in.

* Aluminum foil

* Dish washing liquid

* Baking soda

Here how to emblem the Brillo pad, if your combine them together.

1. Take out a good amount of foil, crinkle it up to the size of a ball.

2. Place the aluminum foil inside the vegetable bag, and secure it with a knot.

3. Place dish washing liquid on it, and add about a tablespoon of Baking soda. (you will need to add more, as need depending on what your cleaning.)

4. Now it time to put your Brillo pad to action.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Administrator Announcement....Food equal pleasure


Living Better Cafe knows how much, you love receiving delicious recipes, quick tips that, will save you loads of money. So, That is why Living Better Cafe will never leave you broke. So, the creator of Living Better Cafe, Katrina Smith, wants to let you all know that, Living Better cafe will still be posting, recipes, tips, and a lot more. But, in the meantime,Katrina, will be posting here and there. So, do not think, the creator has forgotten about you because she did not forget. Why, she thinking of all the sweet and delicious recipe, she can test in the Living Better Cafe Kitchen, for you and your taste buds to enjoy. So, I hope you all continue to stick around because you do not want to miss out.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Hazelnut-Chocolate tea

Do you love flavored tea? I know one person who does, and why of course, it's the creator of Living Better Cafe. This tea fits perfectly for this up and coming season.

Serves: 1

1 c. Water

1 tea bag

1 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder

1 tsp. hazelnut creamer


1. Allow the water to come to a boil

2. Pour water inside your cup, and place the tea bag inside to steep for 2 to 3 minutes, or until your preferable taste.

3. Add in the sugar, Cocoa powder and hazelnut creamer.

4. What are you wait for now? It's time to drink up.