Sunday, May 21, 2017

Raisin and Spice Muffins

* Please consider reading what Living Better Café has in store for you.
Living Better Café wants to welcome you to, Breakfast Lounge, were every Sunday of the week there will be a breakfast recipe post. What better way to start your day? Why of course with a healthy fix of breakfast. Plus what better way to have it served to you? Lets make that Living Better Style.

Serves: Varies

Living Better Café, has taken your favorite breakfast "Raisin and Spice Oatmeal" and turn it to Raisin and Spice Muffins. Why of course, you can always omit any ingredient in this recipe, if you have in allergies, or whatever the case maybe. Therefore, Enjoy this Yummy Breakfast.

* Picture will be coming soon near you.

1 1/2 c. Almond Flour
1/4 c. Raisins
2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/4 tsp. Course Himalayan Salt
1/4 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
1/2 c. Almond Milk
2 Egg Whites
1/2 c. Tapioca Flour


1. Preheat your oven to 400. Mix together Almond Flour, Almond Milk.

2. In a separate mixing bowl, combine together Tapioca Flour, Raisins, Baking powder, Salt, Cinnamon, and Egg Whites.

3. Combine both wet and dry ingredients together, until completely moistened.

4. Fill up the muffin tin pan with mixture.

5. Place in the oven for 14-18 minutes, or until tested with a tooth pick, and it comes out clean.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

French Monster Fries

Where did French Monster Fries come from, Living Better Cafe Presents...Coffee Talk figured that, Kids love French Fries. But, Kids Hate eating Carrots. Especially, the creator of Living Better Cafe Presents...Coffee Talk does. So, why not disguise them into the potatoes to make your little tots eat their veggies.

Serves: 6

Adapted from:…/46cd1fc0-b1d1-4491-91c9-d61b…

3 c. water
2 pouches of mashed potatoes
2 lbs carrots, peeled and cooked carrots * Leftover carrots would work perfect for this recipe.
3 c. vegetable oil *I would recommend using olive oil, over the vegetable oil because vegetable oil ingredients are Soybean based, and if your child is allergic to soy, the healthier version would be Olive oil.


1. In a 2 quarts sauce pan, heat water and allow to come to a boil. Turn the heat off and add in the potatoes and carrots (Make sure to mash the carrots before adding them into the mashed potatoes), then mix to blend together.

2. Place mixture on a 13x9 baking sheet. Smoothing out the mixture with a wooden or plastic spatula. Place the mixture into the freezer for about 1 hour or until the mixture is frozen.

3. Remove from the freezer, and cut using a kiddie fun-size cookie cutter. Place the mixture back into the freezer, so the mixture do not become hard to work with.

4. In a dutch oven fryer, heat the oil over medium high heat, the temp. such be at 350.

5. Remove mixture from the freezer, and place into the fryer.(You want to make sure that, when cooking that you're not over crowding the pan) Cook until the mixture is golden brown.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Vegetarian Stromboli

Adapted from:

Serves: 12

1/2 c. pitted kalamata or black olives
1/2 c. fresh chopped Basil
8-10 sun-dried tomato halves, packed in oil
1 Tbsp. oil from the sun-dried tomato jar
1 lb pizza dough
12-15 slices provolone cheese
10-oz. box frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed to drain excess water
12-oz. bottle roasted peppers, drained, patted dry and cut into strips
1 egg, lightly beaten


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. place a silicon baking mat on the baking sheet, and spray light with cooking spray. * what a perfect time to use the, Garlic Tomato Basil cooking spray.

2. Combine the olives, sun-dried tomatoes and oil in a food processor and pulse until the mixture forms a rough paste.

3. You want to coat your work space (the kitchen counter) lightly with flour and the rolling pin; rolling the dough into a 14x10-inch rectangle. Spread with olive mixture, leaving about a 1-inch border around the dough edges on both sides. Top mixture with overlapping slices of cheese; add in the spinach in an even layer. Finally, add the pepper strips and basil in a single layer, long sides parallel to the long sides of the dough rectangle.

4. Folding 1 inch of the dough over the filling on the shorter side of the rectangle. Fold the long ends over the filling, pinching the dough together at each corners. Roll the dough, beginning at one of the long ends, as tightly as you possible can get it. Before roll is done, brush the border lightly with egg and pinch to seal the seam.

5. Transfer the roll, seam side down, onto a prepared baking sheet and brush with the egg. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, until the bread is golden and hollow when tapped on.

6. Loosen the bottom of stromboli from the silicon mat with a spatula; transferring to a cutting board and allow to cool.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Administrator Announcement


I Katrina Smith, the creator of L.B.C and L.B.C.P Coffee Talk would like to start by saying Thank you for hanging in there, I know how much your taste buds have craved for something good. Well your taste buds don't have to wait anymore because I  have finished up  my spring semester, and now I am dedicating this time to you all. So before I even begin, I would like to start by introducing something to you, and what may that be? Why, of course, Living Better Café summer theme.

Living Better Café theme: Sizzling Saving
Beginning date: June 20, 2017 - September 21, 2017

* Living Better Café will always keep you abreast of any changes. So, you don't have to worry about Subject to Change without notice.

Sunday: Breakfast Lounge

Monday: Hot Out Of The Oven News

Tuesday: Money Saving Tuesday

Wednesday: Under ten, or five dollar challenge (This is where I allow "YOU!"  to challenge me to prepare a meal, using ingredient you selected from your pantry)-  I  will  post a question for you and there, and that's  where the challenge begins. and  I will post the recipe on Thursday. So, other than that no new recipes for Thursday.)

Thursday: Food challenge show (You have challenged me. So, now its time for me to show "you" what I have created, and everyone else can enjoy this creation.)

Friday: Dessert on a Dime

Saturday: Go Vegan

Money Saving Tip....Flavored Cooking spray

Please consider reading what Money Saving Tip must offer because Living Better Café cares about you!

Living Better Café want to welcome you to, Money Saving Tip Tuesday, were every Tuesday of the week there will be a money-saving tip surprise waiting for you. Whether it be a valuable tip on how to spend less, or a money-saving recipe, Living Better Café will always keep you covered. Therefore, you don’t have to feel stressed out about how much money to spend because it all depends on where you shop, and how much you’re willing to spend. Now do you see how much comfortable living Better Café has made it for you!

Today Living Better Café is bringing you, an awesome delicious deal breaker, or recipe that will keep your wallet and taste buds happy. Therefore, why don’t you come see what has Living Better Café buzzing. I Katrina Smith at Living Better Café would be, so happy to see you here, which Living Better Café would be glad to see you to. Therefore, if you want to keep your wallet happy, consider reading what’s up ahead because Living Better Café will not leave you feeling disappointed. Smile because you chose to live Better.

Why spend close to $11.00 and that’s counting tax, on a bottle of cooking spray? When you can save nearly as much. Living Better Café has the perfect recipe solution just for you. So, say Adios to Hydrogenated oils which are no good for you, and Hola to Healthy and flavorful oils that’s good for you.

Makes: 17 FL Ounce

Garlic Tomato Basil Cooking Oil

What you’re going to need:

1 17 FL Ounce Extra Virgin Olive Oil (E.V.O.O)
1-2 Bubs of Garlic, Peeled
Sun-dried cherry tomatoes
Fresh Basil


1. Peel both blubs of Garlic, and add the Basil and sun-dried cherry tomatoes, to the Olive oil.
2. Place the lid on the Olive oil and give it a good shake, then store in a cool dry dark place, for 1-2 weeks before using it. *Highly recommend storing it in your refrigerator*

Step 4 is optional. But, I would highly recommend that you don’t skip this step.

3. After one to two-week are up, strain the oil into a different bottle with an easy pouring spout or just place into a spray bottle and your set to go. (before taking this step, you want to give a taste test to make sure the flavors have infused together.)

4. When it comes to placing food into your body, we need to place very close attention to what we consume and how much. So, what comes to mind when you think about food left out in opened spaces, whether it be in a can or in a jar? Botulism! So, now you will see why Living Better Café and Katrina Smith highly recommend that you don’t skip this step.

Living Better Café corner:
When it comes to making food in general, you want to make sure that, you don’t give space or air for “Botulism” this nasty little bugger to grow. And then later cause you more problem down the line, which later makes you and everyone else you have prepared this recipe for “SICK”. So, it’s best to refrigerate the oil, it will last in your refrigerator for a month. If the ingredient begins to discolor, discard the oil immediately because of this nasty little bugger has started to grow.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Veggie Burger

Go Vegan: Veggie Burger

* Please consider reading what Living Better Cafe has in store, for you.

Living Better Cafe wants to, welcome you to Go Vegan were every Saturday throughout this Spring season. And Living Better Cafe know's your taste bud's will be sing a Veggie tone. So, Katrina hope's you enjoy this recipe down below.

Adapted from:

Serves: 5

1 1⁄8 c. textured vegetable protein (dehydrated soy)
7⁄8 c. boiling water
1 2⁄3 Tbsp. ketchup
7⁄8 to taste Worcestershire sauce
7⁄8 to taste soy sauce
1⁄2 tsp. Coarse Himalayan salt
1/2 tsp. marjoram
7⁄8 tsp. oregano
7⁄8 Tbsp. parsley flakes
1⁄4 c. grated carrot
1/4 c. green peas
1⁄4c. finely chopped celery
1⁄4c. finely chopped red onion
2 1⁄2 finely chopped garlic cloves
1⁄2 c. chopped fresh basil
1⁄3 c. flour


1. Stir Soy protein into the boiling water in a medium-size mixing bowl.

2. Add 2 tsp. each of Ketchup, Worcestershire and soy sauce. Mix in salt and herbs and spices.

3. Allow to stand for about ten minutes, or more.

4. Cook the carrots, celery, onion, garlic, peas in a little bit of  oil in a Dutch oven skillet, until veggies are completely soft.

5. Blend the veggies into the soy protein, and add flour slowly to the mixture until it begins to hold it's own shape.

6. Shape into 1/2- in patties.

7. Place into a Dutch oven fry pan with (your chose of oil), and allow to cook until the sides become hard and dark.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Tater Tots


Living Better Café is back and what better way, to celebrate a long wait. Are you crazy in love with Potatoes? Like the creator of L.B.C is crazy for potatoes. Yes She is crazy about Potatoes. Katrina Said, Did someone say... Tater Tots? or am I going crazy for real? Just joking or maybe not. It's Tater Tots on the menu, and they are very inexpensive to make to. What better way to come back, and have everyone tastes buds singing.

Tater Tots

Adapted from:

Serves: 3 dozens

1 1/2 c. mashed potatoes, cold (you can use either homemade mashed potatoes, or  boxes mashed potatoes) * I prefer homemade mashed potatoes better.
1 large eggs
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/2 c.  Scallions
Panko Bread Crumbs


1. In a large mixing bowl, blend together mashed potato, eggs, Scallions and flour. Stir until mixture is incorporated.

2. Using an ice cream scooper, scoop cold mashed potatoes into bread crumbs.

3. Roll the potatoes in the bread crumbs until completely covered.

4. Using your fingers form the potatoes into a small log.

5. In a large Dutch oven skillet pan added 1/2 inch of oil. Heat the oil until it gets good in hot. You want to cook the tater tots in batches. Turning the tater tots about 20-30 seconds to cook completely.

6. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel to drain excess oil. Season with Himalayan salt and serve with Ketchup, or Barbecue sauce.

Living Better Café corner:

You can always substitute ingredients, if you are allergic or just prefer to not add it into the recipe.