Monday, May 2, 2016

Hot out of the oven: Benefits of Pau D'Arco

*Note:Please continue to read this blog article.

Living Better Cafe is bring you Fresh out of the oven news, that you're going to love. That no other blog source will ever take you close into the story. I say more good reasons to love L.B.C, not only are you revising original recipes. Your saving money while eating the way you want in a healthier way.

Welcome to Hot Out Of The Oven food news, I have yet another edition of food news coming straight from no other source but, Living Better Cafe of course. As you have read through many editions of (H.O.T.O), since I have started this food news addition. You have become wiser about what you buy,and place into your mouth. While I am very happy to continue to keep "Hot of the oven" going as much as you keep enjoy reading it every Monday. In this First May edition.

I know your probably wonder where is Living Better Cafe taking you? And What is this weird name called Pau D'Arco? well first here is the pronunciation to get started " Pow-darko". I figured that would help you out some. Like, before you put anything into your mouth, you need to know what it is and what is it all about.

Now I am not a Certified health coach. But, I do know of a bright young lady who is a woman Health coach her name is Mia Davis. I generally would have not known anything about this, natural herb called " Pau D'ARCO" if she did not tell me about it. Therefore, Living Better Cafe is bring you this information as well.

Pau D' ARCO is native to South America, where it has been used and known to treat a wide range of conditions. There has been multiple reports of this medicinal usage of Pau D'Arco, which dates back in the year of 1873. Pau D'Arco, is also called tabebuia avellanedae, which is a tree from the Bignoniaceae family with extremely hard wood; it's name comes from a Portuguese word for "Bow Stick". Which is an adequate term for it because the tree was literally used by the native South American Indians for creating hunting bows.

The Bark and wood from this particular tree is used for externally and internally to treat arthritis, pain, inflammation of prostate glands, fever, dysentery, boils and ulcers and other various cancers. Meanwhile this natural herb is good for treating other conditions. Like, candida overgrowth, constipation, fibromyalgia, diabetes, lupus, bacterial infections, viral infections, and various parasites. Pau D'Arco Strenthen the bodies immune system, detoxifies the liver, and treats various ailments, contains many antioxidants, and is Known to promote overall health.

Now here comes the part where you want to know, What are the natural remedies of Pau D'Arco? First off Pau D' Arco has been used as traditional medicine for over 1,500 years.Through multiple studies have indicated it accelerates wound healing. As, Pau D'Arco is used in many other forms.Such as,Tincture,Liquid
Tablets, softgels, capsules,Powder,Herb,Ointment,Tea.

How does Pau 'D Arco cleanse our blood and body and stimulate the immune system and the production of red blood cells.

In western medicine, This all natural herb is known as an herbal remedy for the following:

*Liver disease
*Hodgkin’s disease
*Parkinson’s disease
*Herpes I and II
*Heart disease
*High blood pressure
*Vesticular stomatitis virus
*Skin inflammations
*Vaginal fungal infections
*Athlete’s foot
*Pernicious anemia
*Fungal infections of the nails and skin

While blending Echinacea and pau d’arco in as a tea is useful for combating tuberculosis. Some Naturopathic doctors recommend pau d’arco to strengthen immunity, especially in cases of HIV /AIDS or cancer Patients.

As I am not in the position to give recommendations. But, I can at lease say that. Like, any other medicine vitamins to come with warning labels. Therefore, there are strong warnings against using Pau D'Arco when Pregnant or lactating and do not give it to children.

Happy journeys to living Better!

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