Monday, February 22, 2016

Hot out of the oven... Energy Drinks

Adapted from:

From : Lindsey Duncan, ND, CN and Keri Peterson, MD

*Note:Please continue to read this blog article.

Living Better Cafe is bring you Fresh out of the oven news, that you're going to love. That no other blog source will ever take you close into the story. I say more good reasons to love L.B.C, not only are you revising original recipes. Your saving money while eating the way you want in a healthier way.

Welcome to Hot Out Of The Oven food news, I have yet another edition of food news coming straight from no other source but, Living Better Cafe of course. As you have read through many editions of (H.O.T.O), since I have started this food news addition. You have became more wiser about what you buy,and place into your mouth. While I am very happy to continue to keep "Hot of the oven" going as much as you keep enjoy reading it every Monday. In this third February edition I will be spilling out the facts of Energy Drinks, and is it really good for your health.

Everyone needs a little boost of energy every now and then. But, did you know that energy drinks are dangerous to your health? Yes! energy drinks are one of the fastest growing beverage here in america.They promise to make you more aware, active and rejuvenated. Yes, energy drinks hold up to their primary goal- which they reduces sleepiness and make you more alert. While at the same time energy drinks are weighting you're health down, with a very costly price tag. Energy drinks can cause significant and insignificant side effects. Just like, everything else we consume in our daily lives. But the fact of the matter here is, are really safe energy drinks truly safe for you in the long run?

That's is why, I am here to break it down to you, and help you better understand the truth behind the label. You're probably wondering how will I break it down to you? Why it's quite simple here.

Let's begin talking about formulations

Energy drinks come in all different sizes. Need we going into? Why Of course yes. Bottles, shots, powder, all sorts of sizes you name it. When it comes to quenching your thirst truly matters to you. But, I hope that when you are choosing a beverage, you are being self conscious of what you are drinking.

Bottles/ Cans

These drinks are premixed and ready for you to grab up, and drink. Just be aware of the serving sizes because many bottles can equal up to two serving size or more; especially if your planing on gulping down the whole bottle, and now your getting more than a double amount of the ingredients on the label.


These energy drinks come in pocket sized. people typically purchase these when they want a quick dose of energy, and they chug it down all in one go. When you chug down theses drinks, they will hit you hard and fast and will only last up to 5-6 hours.


Like the bottled or canned varieties, they can be sipped more slowly.


Like most energy drinks contain a combinations of caffeine, B vitamin, sugar and other herbs.


This is the main key ingredient that puts the word "ENERGY" in energy drinks. That's where I draw my concerns here because of people with multiple medical conditions. Plus the amount of caffeine that is inside the beverage it's self. Energy drinks can at lease hold up to 80 to 500 mg per serving. The safest amount of caffeine daily is 200 mg.

Many of these energy drinks hold not only high caffeine levels, but they also combine them with other herbs that contain caffeine, such as guarana and yerba mate. Plus, keep this in mind that these drinks can hold up multiple servings in one bottle a lone.

In higher portions, caffeine can have many disadvantage. Especially in excess amounts, caffeine can cause the following. Insomnia, Jitteriness, Palpitations, Rapid heart rate and elevated your blood pressure. Caffeine also can cause dehydration because it has a diuretic effect.

There are some people who can build up a tolerance to caffeine as well. while over time, some people may find themselves needing an extra boost to help them throughout the day can achieve the same effect.

B Vitamins

In this group of 8 vitamins plays a variety of roles in cell metabolism. Some of these drinks have massive amounts of B vitamins. But, here’s the thing: B vitamins will not boost your energy unless you are deficient in them. Most of us get all the B vitamins we could possibly need in our diets. While the majority of B vitamins are not toxic when consumed in excess because they are water soluble and any excess is just excreted in the urine. That is except for two of them:

Having too much of vitamin B 3 (niacin) which can cause a flushing of the skin, stomach upset, blurred vision or liver inflammation. Some shots have 150% more than the maximum recommended dose of 35 mg daily.

Having too much of B6 (a dose greater than 500 mg /day) which can cause nerve damage, tingling and numbness in arms and legs.

GuaranĂ¡ and Ginseng

Guarana is a natural energy booster, which is a natural caffeine that comes from a red small rounded fruit. Guarana containing up to 8% caffeine, which is about 2.5 times the amount found in coffee. This red rounded fruit also contain theophylline and theobromine, which counters the over-stimulating effect of caffeine and makes it ideal for long-term use to boost energy.

Ginseng is extracted from the root of the ginseng plant, ginseng has been found in studies to boost brain power – but you would need at least 200 mg to reap this benefit, which most drinks don’t contain. "Cautions" this plant has shown to interact as with blood thinning drugs.

Now comes the real true factor in energy beverages, and that of course is the "Sugar".

If you are a fan of any energy drink out there, you must have paid a very close attention to the nutritional facts. And if not then did you know that just about one can along has about 14 teaspoons of sugar! Yes, you heard me correctly which is more then the recommend doses. Sugar is what spike up our blood glucose levels. Sugar can also cause some people to gain weight, especially if they consume to much. Therefore weight gain comes from consuming too much sugar in some people.

I've covered the basic scenario on energy drinks. But, there is one other factor that I want to make you aware of, and that is of course the Side effects of these drinks.

Palpitations / tachycardia
Tremor / shaking
Agitation / restlessness
Gastrointestinal upset
Chest pain / ischaemia
Dizziness / syncope
Paraesthesia (tingling or numbing of the skin)
Respiratory distress
Allergic reaction

As I am not a professional/certified doctor, or nutritionist. But, I do want to say as a patient of many medical issues myself. That I would use safety precaution when thinking about grabbing up a energy drink. Why I myself would blend together some fruit's and vegetables and call it my energy booster.

Thank you once again for sticking around for "Hot Out Of The Oven" I am so happy to see you every Monday reading my post. I really enjoy seeing the amount of people it has reaches. Please do not forget about "Coffee Talk" every Friday, and you can also catch it early right after it recorded.on YouTube on my channel. consider to subscribe I would appreciate it a lot!, Happy Journeys to living Better!

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