Monday, March 23, 2015

Hot out of the oven..... Managing food sensitivities

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Like the saying  goes ”One man's food is another man's poison", and when you come to think about it  thats so true.

Food sensitivities can be divided into several types:  true allergies, intolerances to food, gluten sensitivities and idiosyncratic reactions.
 As we all know true allergies trigger the body's  immune system, causing it to produce antibodies the first time the food is eaten. 
When the food is eaten again, negative reactions occur. The most serious of them all is Anaphylactic shock, which  sometimes send fatal response that can involve hives, as well as wheezing and fainting. People are generally advised to avoid specific foods if they have true allergies. While difficulty with digesting a particular food is called Malabsorption or as we all know it to be food intolerance and lactose intolerance. Although as many  children and adults suffer from true allergies. Common  foods to which people are mostly allergic to includes  peanuts, eggs, shellfish, and cow's milk. If you're lactose intolerant, it is because you lack the lactase, the enzyme s necessary to digest lactose, which is the major Carbohydrate in milk. Therefore when you drink milk, you develop stomach cramps, pain, diarrhea and/ or  you feel nauseated. As you may know there are multiple milk alternatives out there for you, like lactose free milk and ect. As there are many individuals who can consume a small amount of milk without symptoms. While some  tolerate milk better if it's consumed with a much heavy  food substance, like at mealtime.  Some people  are sensitive to gluten, the protein  in many grains include wheat, oats, rye, plus barley. Gluten sensitivity can  result into diarrhea, weight loss even into malnutrition. Which making it a serious  condition indeed. And the best solution into dealing with any food sensitivities is to  consultant with your physician, to work out a food regime.

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