Friday, May 12, 2017

Tater Tots


Living Better Café is back and what better way, to celebrate a long wait. Are you crazy in love with Potatoes? Like the creator of L.B.C is crazy for potatoes. Yes She is crazy about Potatoes. Katrina Said, Did someone say... Tater Tots? or am I going crazy for real? Just joking or maybe not. It's Tater Tots on the menu, and they are very inexpensive to make to. What better way to come back, and have everyone tastes buds singing.

Tater Tots

Adapted from:

Serves: 3 dozens

1 1/2 c. mashed potatoes, cold (you can use either homemade mashed potatoes, or  boxes mashed potatoes) * I prefer homemade mashed potatoes better.
1 large eggs
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/2 c.  Scallions
Panko Bread Crumbs


1. In a large mixing bowl, blend together mashed potato, eggs, Scallions and flour. Stir until mixture is incorporated.

2. Using an ice cream scooper, scoop cold mashed potatoes into bread crumbs.

3. Roll the potatoes in the bread crumbs until completely covered.

4. Using your fingers form the potatoes into a small log.

5. In a large Dutch oven skillet pan added 1/2 inch of oil. Heat the oil until it gets good in hot. You want to cook the tater tots in batches. Turning the tater tots about 20-30 seconds to cook completely.

6. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel to drain excess oil. Season with Himalayan salt and serve with Ketchup, or Barbecue sauce.

Living Better Café corner:

You can always substitute ingredients, if you are allergic or just prefer to not add it into the recipe.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Coffee Talk... Food News

Hot Out Of The Oven: Natural Remedies for Thyroid

* Please continue to read this blog article.

Living Better Café Present....Coffee Talk is here to bring you Fresh Out Of The Oven News every Monday, that your going to love. While there is no other blog sources. Like Living Better Café that will take you close into the story. I Katrina Smith, the creator of Living Better Café, says more good reasons why? you would enjoy Living Better Café. Living Better Cafe's prospective is to show you the benefits, of different food sources. Like, this video from YouTube by, Dr. Josh Axe. Were its not just about feeding your body. But, also nourish your mind.
Living Better Cafe Present....Coffee Talk wants you to consider watching this article down below. As you keep a clear opened mind about, spending inexpensively and avoiding food allergy, that you may have because I Katrina Smith knows what its like, and I also care for you all, like I do for my family.

Welcome to the First May edition of, Hot Out Of The Oven News. Today Living Better Café will be touching on the base of Natural Remedies for Thyroid With Josh Axe.

Living Better Café present...Coffee Talk Corner:

Living Better Café present...Coffee Talk, would like to hear from you. If you are a patient with Thyroid issues, or you just know of someone who deals with Thyroid issues. I Katrina would love to hear your story, just simply message Coffee Talk and tell me how you handle your Thyroid condition.

Know your food before taking the first bite

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Administrator Announcement


Hi Followers,

Living Better Cafe has been around for three years now and is still trying to better themselves. I Katrina Smith, your creator of Living Better Cafe and Living Better Cafe Presents...Coffee Talk, is currently working on trying to get Living Better Cafe up and running like a business. Why you know when you visit a website and each time, you click on that ad that pops up. Why that company gets paid, and so does the person who has the advertisement on their website. No, you don't pay them. Will it's a long story, I don't even know. But, you don't have to give out anything. So, I just want to let you all know as my followers. Living Better Cafe will be going into business very soon. Please don't worry because like I said before, you don't give the company anything. I as the creator of L.B.C wanted you all to know that. plus, with my busy schedule, that when you visit Living Better Cafe. You will see advertisements on the page. Just don't feel that, I will be asking for your money because Living Better Cafe is trying to teach you about spending less, Not giving money to your blogger because it's not you that will be paying me. So, I just wanted to make that clear to you all. Thank you very much for your time. Do continue to keep Living Better.


I will be returning back within a month with new/ adapted recipes. So, make sure you don't miss out on anything.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Adminstrator Announcement


Fast track Announcement: Living Better Cafe will be returning shortly
This is your creator of Living Better Cafe Katrina Smith, I'm stopping by to keep you in the know that, you don't have to wait much longer because I have one more month of school to go. So, please keep enjoying these tasty recipes because when I return there will be a whole lot more your taste buds will be singing. Therefore, please hang in there just a few more months to go.

Happy Journey to living better!

Katrina Smith

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Administrator Announcement


Fast track Announcement: Living Better Cafe will be returning shortly

This is your creator of Living Better Cafe Katrina Smith, I'm stopping by to keep you in the know that, you don't have to wait much longer because I have two more months of school to go. So, please keep enjoying these tasty recipes because when I return there will be a whole lot more your taste buds will be singing. Therefore, please hang in there just a few more months to go.

Happy Journey to living better!

Katrina Smith

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Administrator Announcement

Fast Track Announcement: Come celebrate with us

I Katrina Smith, the creator of Living Better Cafe, would like to say thank you, for staying tune into Living Better Cafes blog. I have created fast track to keep you aware of, the things happening here and everywhere else. How exactly does Fast Track keep you aware, of things you consume? Basically by posting up, Announcements, Seasonal Themes,Video and Recipe Promo. Living Better Cafe knows how much you enjoy receiving delicious recipes every week. Therefore, I Katrina Smith is inviting you, to come celebrate three years in the making, of Living Better Cafe Tomorrow! 🎊 🎂 🎉 🎊

Living Better Cafe wants to make sure, you are celebrating in style. So, I Katrina Smith went back into Living Better Cafes recipe file cabinet, and pulled up this recipe, why there's. even a video to. So, tomorrow Living Better Cafe will be serving up. Vegetarian Corn dog bites (You can also use regular meat, if your not vegetarian, or vegan)

I actually had fun making these back in 2014 that, I figured why these can be served at any event. So, why not bring this e inexpensive recipe back. by, popular demand.

*Note: Please consider to continue to stick around, I will be returning soon after this semester is over.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Sweet California Tuna Sandwich

This sandwich has become my mother's favorite, and I know it will become your too. I "Guarantee" you will never go back to, your Old way of making Tuna Sandwiches because the sweet taste of dried cranberries has taken over.

Serves: 2

2 can's Tuna (I prefer tuna in water)
1 celery stalk, cleaned and chopped fine
1-2 c. Dried cranberries
1-2 Tbsp. Mustard
1-2 Tbsp. Mayonnaise or Vegannaise
Dash of Black pepper
Dash of Dillweed
Dash of Cayenne Pepper


1. Drain the tuna and add it into, a medium-sized mixing bowl breaking it up with a fork.

2. Add in the chopped celery, cranberries, Mustard, Mayo, and seasoning.

3. Blend it all together, and "BAM" Sweet California Tuna is yours to devour.

Living Better Cafe says don't go anywhere yet because did you know that, you can make Sweet California Tuna into a Sweet California Tuna salad. Yes, you heard me right, I Katrina said S.C.T.S (Sweet. California. Tuna. Salad). All you just need is pasta and you have created something old into something new.