Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Administrator Announcement

Fast Track Announcement: Come celebrate with us

I Katrina Smith, the creator of Living Better Cafe, would like to say thank you, for staying tune into Living Better Cafes blog. I have created fast track to keep you aware of, the things happening here and everywhere else. How exactly does Fast Track keep you aware, of things you consume? Basically by posting up, Announcements, Seasonal Themes,Video and Recipe Promo. Living Better Cafe knows how much you enjoy receiving delicious recipes every week. Therefore, I Katrina Smith is inviting you, to come celebrate three years in the making, of Living Better Cafe Tomorrow! 🎊 πŸŽ‚ πŸŽ‰ 🎊

Living Better Cafe wants to make sure, you are celebrating in style. So, I Katrina Smith went back into Living Better Cafes recipe file cabinet, and pulled up this recipe, why there's. even a video to. So, tomorrow Living Better Cafe will be serving up. Vegetarian Corn dog bites (You can also use regular meat, if your not vegetarian, or vegan)

I actually had fun making these back in 2014 that, I figured why these can be served at any event. So, why not bring this e inexpensive recipe back. by, popular demand.

*Note: Please consider to continue to stick around, I will be returning soon after this semester is over.

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