Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Chopping Block: Buckwheat flour Vs. Gluten-free All-purpose flour

  Welcome to: Living Better Cafe, post called: The Chopping Block. The Chopping Block will give you, the history behind two similar products, one that not so healthy, and one that is healthier for you.
  We all have that one story to share, about Grandma baking in the kitchen. Especially, when you know she's making, your favorite bake good. And you prepare yourself to: help grandma with baking. Like, cleaning out the mixing bowl with your fingers. So, once you're done with helping, you can gather around the table to enjoy it.
Today Living Better Cafe, bring you the scoop on: Buckwheat flour and all-purpose gluten-free flour.
 What's all the sifting about? All flours are not the same and, there is a difference in texture and taste as well. Especially, when it comes to Gluten--free flour. Since we are on the gluten-free van wagon, let's talk about the difference between buckwheat and all-purpose gluten-free flour.
Buckwheat flour has a nutty texture and it includes your essential amino acids and it's quite versatile. What is buckwheat? A fruit that's related closely to wild Rhubarb. And it's sometimes called Pseudo cereal, quite interesting hey, you say? Exactly! Living Better Cafe got confused as well. But, we have it all figured out, and you will also. What type of nutrients are found in buckwheat? Antioxidants--- like Rutin, Tannins and Catechin. In fact buckwheat considered a super food. And the major benefits of this particular super food is that it has amino acids, which helps lower cholesterol, and helps improve digestion, like constipation.
  Let's keep calm when you read; All purpose gluten--free not like all-purpose wheat flour because it does not content any source of wheat. Plus, the texture is different. What's gluten--free all-purpose flour made of? The ingredients in making all-purpose gluten-free flour varies...once again it's not wheat. So, what's the benefits? with each ingredient  there are different benefits. For instance, brown rice flour, helps lower blood sugar levels, reduce body weight and protect against heart disease. Therefore, it all falls back on what it's made from.
Living Better Cafe says, the verdict  been reached and, which Gluten-free flour, do we use in the kitchen? We use different varieties...we know each flour has different benefits. So, there was no bad food in this case.

   Happy Journey To Living Better 🍵

Work cited page

Tasting table
What's Cooking America
Dr. Axe

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