Monday, October 14, 2019

Hot Out Of The Oven: Veganism

* Please continue to read this blog article.

Living Better Cafe is here to bring you fresh out of the oven news, every Monday, that you're going to love. while there is no other blog source. Like, Living Better Cafe that will take you close into the story. I Katrina Smith, the creator of  Living Better Cafe says: more good reasons why, you would enjoy Living Better Cafe. Living Better Cafe perspective is to, show you the benefits of different food sources.Like, Veganism where it's not just about feeding your body. But, also nourishing your mind.

  Living Better Cafe wants you to consider reading more into this article down below as, you keep an open mind about: spending inexpensively. And avoiding food allergies that, you may have---I Katrina Smith knows what it's, and I also care for you all. Like, I do for my family.

 Welcome to the October edition of: Hot Out Of The Oven News. Today Living Better Cafe will be touching on the benefits of: Veganism.

  Katrina says: I'm no certified dietitian, nor physician in that matter. But, I do understand the benefits of eating healthy, despite my own eating healthy lifestyle...multiple health conditions.

  What is Veganism? Its a strict Vegetarian diet that is based on eating nothing but plant based food. People who are Vegan, don't eat any animal source of protein. And their diet consist of: Legumes, Fruits and Vegetables, Nuts and Grains. And let's not forget: Soy. However, they are still receiving protein enriched foods. But, it's not from any animal source. 

The Vegan Dairy 
We have broken down, what is Veganism. But, we haven't given you all the proper source. Like, Dairy. Living Better Cafe knows actually, what's going through your mind: Dairy comes from animals. But, if people who are vegans, how are they receiving their daily dose of calcium? great question! Vegans unlike everyone else, gets their daily dose of calcium from, plant based on food. Like, Vegetables and Nuts. You know like, Almond and Cashew milk. Plus many other sources. So, vegans are not missing out on their daily dose of calcium. 

What are the benefits of eating a vegan diet, and is it right for me? Once again, Living Better Cafe isn't your certified dietitian, nor physician. So, we can't write you out any prescription. But, we can give you the benefits of this diet.  Living Better Cafe, has listed six benefits of this diet. Before we just jump right into it, how about a little known fact?

Did you know being on a vegan diet, can  help with weight loss, and it may help maintain a healthy heart. Therefore, if weight loss is a main goal of yours, check with your doctor before starting this diet.  
  This diet also may help with type 2 diabetes and  certain types of cancers.

  Living Better Cafe wants to give you, a simple quick reminder: basically, a mind refresher, since Vegan is strictly a plant based diet, animal based protein isn't being consumed. Therefore, protien enriched foods are being replaced with: whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, nuts and seeds. Not to say, you can't make a good plant base burger out theses.

1. Rich in certain nutrition.
2. Weight loss.
3. Lower blood sugar and improve kidney function.
4. Protect against certain types of cancers.
5. Lower the risk of heart disease.
6. Can help reduce the pain of arthritis.

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