Monday, February 15, 2016

Hot out of the oven....High Fructose Corn Syrup

Adapted from:

*Note:Please continue to read this blog article.

Living Better Cafe is bring you Fresh out of the oven news, that you're going to love. That no other blog source will ever take you close into the story. I say more good reasons to love L.B.C, not only are you revising original recipes. Your saving money while eating the way you want in a healthier way.
Welcome to Hot Out Of The Oven food news, I have yet another edition of food news coming straight from no other source but, Living Better Cafe of course. As you have read through many editions of (H.O.T.O), since I have started this food news addition. You have became more wiser about what you buy,and place into your mouth. While I am very happy to continue to keep "Hot of the oven" going as much as you keep enjoy reading it every Monday. In this second February edition I will be spilling out the facts of High Fructose Corn syrup, and is it really good for your health.

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), is a sweeter made from corn, which comes in two primary compositions -HFCS-42 and HFCS-55. This means it is composed of either 42 percent or 55 percent fructose, with the remaining sugars being primarily glucose and higher sugars (chains of glucose).

In terms of composition, high fructose corn syrup is nearly identical to table sugar (sucrose), which is composed of 50 percent fructose and 50 percent glucose. Glucose is one of the simplest forms of sugar that serves as a building block for most carbohydrates. Fructose is a simple sugar commonly found in fruits and honey.

There has been a lot of headlines circling around about High fructose corn syrup. Which really makes you wonder is there any signs of the truth out there. Why you do not need to wonder any longer, I have gone through almost ever site possible to bring you what I believe is telling you the truth.

So, here I will be breaking down the Fact's and Myth's of (HFCS), that way you do not have to any longer.

We all know that when you try to mix oil with water what happens. So, lets start with the facts which in this case I will call it oil because facts always stay above land.

The fact of the matter is, the reason why a lot food companies have started utilizing High Fructose corn syrup is because its much cheaper then regular sugar. Now, I know this make you want to go inside your own kitchen and put your table sugar to the test. But, the only difference here is that, how they've made (HFCS) is extracted and combined.

Why of course, I am not saying high fructose corn syrup is good for you in any way. As there are loads of multiple food products loaded with (HFCS), which is causing a lot of health issues in the long run. But, what are these health problems? heart disease, obesity, cancer,dementia, liver failure,tooth decay and more.

So, I am leaving you with a food for thought on this one.

As you have heard over a gillion times, always eat in moderation.

Do you think High Fructose Corn Syrup should be opt out completely for a much better option? Leave your stand point on what you think. I would love to hear your view on this topic and who knows you're view could be a topic for "Coffee Talk" up and coming episodes on "Hot Out Of The Oven" . Until next time "Happy Journey's to Living Better"

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