Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Money Saving tip Tuesday... Muffin Tins

* Picture from: www.buzzfeed.com

Welcome to another edition of Money Saving tips.
In this edition I will be sharing some cool tips that won't break your bank, and will keep you smiling from ear to ear all the time.
Once again thank you for sticking around, for this second edition of Money saving tips for this December edition. I will be bring you different Money saving tip's daily on saving cash in your wallet, every Tuesday.
This week on Money saving tip's Living Better Cafe wants to, help you save more cash in your wallet than ever before. I am talking beyond making cupcake's and muffins, did you know that you're muffin tins come in handy for other things as well? Yes you heard me correctly! And I will help you by giving you these tips listed down below.

1. Breakfast:

Simply turn your breakfast into a to go breakfast.
* turn your potatoes into "frittata"
* Build an omelette muffin
* Oatmeal to go
* Bacon and egg cup
* Boiled eggs

2. Appetizer:

Whatever you appetizer you want to serve, muffin tin will be your best friend.
Whether it be....

* Miniature crab cakes
* Miniature Salmon cakes
* Miniature cakes
( you basically get where I am headed, make everything miniature size)

3. Going comfort food:


* Mac and cheese
* Spaghetti and Meatballs cups
* Meatloaf

4. Pie's to go:

Create whatever pie recipe an make it miniature

* Apple
* Blueberries

Did you know you can also create Reese cup's (Shh, Shh, don't tell anyone I told you this) but it's true! the recipe will be coming very soon. So, continue to stick around smile emoticon

5. Dinner on the go:

* Soup
* Taco bowl

If you're looking for a best way to save money, Living Better Cafe has you covered 24/7. And please don't forget to keep L.B.C flowing through the air.

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