Monday, December 8, 2014

Hot out of the oven...Salt

*Please continue to read this blog article because I will have a list of salt alternative for you.

Note: Living Better Cafe is bring you Fresh out of the oven news, that you're going to love.

 That no other blog source will ever  take you close into the story.
I say more good reasons to love L.B.C, not only are you revising original recipes.
You're also making them more healthier for you, while saving money in the long run.

One of america silent killer is sitting  right in your kitchen cabinet.

 And if you haven't figured it out it has killed over millions of American, or has caused a lot of health issues.
 The one that stands out the most is "HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE", which is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease. 
It accounts for two-thirds of strokes & half heart disease. It can also lead to heart failure and ect, which I hope every last one of  you should know. So if you're going to use salt " PLEASE USE IT SPARINGLY” and don't put to much in your dishes. 
Yes salt adds favor to you're food, but like I said in the beginng using it sparingly.
Which will save you from the negative side effect  in the long run.
 So whether you're looking to omit salt from you're diet, or you're looking for a much better alternative altogether.
Here is a list of great salt alternative you can use, while saying bye-bye to Ms. Lawyer season salt.

** Substitution:

1. Kelp

2.  Cinnamon

 3. Cardamom

4. Basil

 5.  Cayenne

 6.  Bay leaves

 7. Garlic or garlic powder

 8. Black pepper  or black pepper powder

 9. Soy sauce * * (if you have gluten issue, find Tamari) a gluten free soy sauce

 10. Onion powder

 11. Lemon juice ( freshly squeezed)

 12. Sunflower seeds

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