Sunday, April 29, 2018

Daily Bites... Banana's

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Hello and welcome to, Living Better Cafe, Fourth blog post article called: Daily Bites. This article will take you more in-depth behind the scene of, what you are eating on a daily basis. So, who want to know, what they are placing in their system on a regular basis? Once again,Living Better Cafe knows... and thats the founder of this blog, Katrina Smith. Therefore, take it away Katrina.

Banana's are loaded with many essential vitamins and minerals like Potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin and of course, B6. We never thought, about all the other essential vitamins that Banana's have that contribute to keeping, our body functioning properly. So, Living Better Cafe, is here to share the wonderful benefits of Banana's, with a did you know fact.

Did you know:

1. Living Better Cafe said earlier that, Banana's had vitamins. But, did you know that, Banana's are loaded with Fiber. Yes both soluble and insoluble fiber and with both, it helps to slow down digestion.

2. Banana's helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, and coronary heart disease.

3. Banana's are low in sodium. Which is good for people with high blood pressure.

4. Here goes those vitamins again, Potassium,iron, magnesium, folate, niacin, riboflavin and B6. Banana's are classified as the powerhouse holds a lot health benefits. Like, helps fight anaemia with is a condition in the blood. And when you're blood count is low, it can cause the following: fatigue, shorten in breath, and paleness.

So, when it comes to finding the right fruit, to get the job done. Choose the Banana.

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