Thursday, March 8, 2018

Gluten free spaghetti

Living Better Cafe says: If you love spaghetti, you would love this recipe because it's made with a twist.

Serve: 4

Note: when cooking with gnocchi, you will need to pay close attention to the cooking process because this pasta will turn to mashed potatoes if not tend to.

2 boxes (12 oz.) Gnocchi (I used Cappello's brand because it's Paleo friendly, gluten-free, and grain-free.)

1 Jar (24 oz.) Spaghetti sauce, or Salsa ( I used Peach Pineapple Chipotle Salsa, it adds a twist of flavor.)

1 box (7.3 oz.) Veggie breakfast sausage, sliced and chopped into small pieces. (I used Hillary's Apple Maple Veggie Breakfast Sausage.)

1 Tbsp. Coconut oil

1 handful Spinach, chopped (* you can tear the spinach up.)

Pasta Directions:

1. In a medium-size pot, add the gnocchi to 3-4 quarts of water. And make sure it comes to a boil, stir gently. Be sure to keep the stirring process going, every 30 seconds until the pasta floats.

2. Remove the pasta away from the heat, and drain.

 Sauce Directions:

1. In a medium size fry pan, add coconut oil.

2. Once the pan is good and hot, add in breakfast sausage, and a few handfuls of spinach. And cook until, the sausage is browned, and the spinach has shrunken down.

3. In a small saucepot, add in your sauce. Plus your sausage and spinach mixture. Stir until everything becomes Incorporated.

4. .Add pasta and sauce to your plate. And enjoy.

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