Monday, July 3, 2017


Note: Yesterday the creator of Living Better cafe, looked back at her planner, and realized she got her days mixed up. So, instead of "Hot Out Of The Oven", Living Better Cafe is bring you, your breakfast instead. "H.O.O.T.O, will return next week"

Adapted from:

* Please consider reading what Breakfast Lounge has to offer Because Living Better Cafe cares so much about You!

Living Better Cafe wants to welcome you to,Breakfast Lounge, were every Sunday of the week there will be a Breakfast Lounge recipe post.

Living Better Cafe says: "Why spend five dollars, or more on store brought cereal, when you can make it right at home."

Serves: 5

*Pictures will be coming near you soon.

1 1/3 c. rolled oats - old-fashioned or quick-cooking
1/4 c. wheat germ
1/3 c. raisins
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 Tbsp. and 2 tsp. sunflower seeds
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. maple syrup
1/4 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. and 1 tsp.brown sugar
2 Tbsp. and 2 tsp. vegetable oil
2 Tbsp. and 2 tsp. finely chopped almonds
2 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons Chia Seeds


1. Preheat oven to 325. Lining a baking sheet with foil, or parchment paper.

2. In a medium size mixing bowl, combine together the Oats, Sunflower seeds and Chia seeds and Almonds. Stir together the brown sugar, maple syrup, honey, oil, cinnamon, and vanilla in a saucepan. Let mixture come to a boil over medium heat, then pour the dry mixture, and stir until coated completely. Spread the mixture out evenly on the baking sheet.

3. Bake in the oven until crispy and toasted, for about 20 minutes. Stirring once half way through the process. Allow to cool and add in the raisins.

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