Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Money Saving Tip...Recycle containers

*Please consider reading about this Money Saving Tip.

Living Better Cafe wants to, welcome you to Money Saving Tip Tuesday. Were every Tuesday of the week there will be a money saving tip for you. Whether it be a valuable tip on how to spend less, or a money saving recipe. Living Better Cafe will always have you covered. Therefore, you do not have to stress out on how much to spend because it all depends on where you shop, and how much your willing to spend. See how easy Living Better Cafe has made it easy, for you.

Today Living Better Cafe is bring you,an awesome delicious deal breaker, or recipe that will keep your wallet, or taste buds happy. Therefore, why don't you come see what has Living Better Cafe buzzing. I Katrina Smith at Living Better Cafe would be so happy to see here, which Living Better Cafe would also. If you want to keep your wallet happy, consider reading whats up ahead. Living Better Cafe will not leave you feeling disappointed.

Living Better Cafe is going Pantry hunting. Who's coming along? I know a person who is, and her name is Katrina Smith.

As you know "How you are always looking in your pantry, and you see just four, or more things in your pantry cabinet. But, you just don't know what to do. Why Living Better Cafe is here, and pulling out four item's out of "Living Better Cafe Kitchen." So, I hope your ready to coming along.

Living Better Cafe Know's how to go about saving plastic containers, and Katrina knows it will save "YOU"! a lot of money to. So here are some tip's you can use, that your neighbor had no idea it, has ever existed. Let's make kitchen use's.

*Note: these tips will work for any size container you may have.

"Hey You....toss that container away" let's make the earth a better environment.by, recycling that container your holding in your hand. By just simply washing it out with soap and water, before reusing it.

1. Know matter whether for yourself or if you have little ones, that container you just finished from washing out, can become a mini lunch container.

2. You can use the container to store left over meal's.

3. you can even go as far as think outside your refrigerator. But, still thinking within your kitchen. Why not use a Butter/ Margarine container to hold your recipes in place. All you need is some mini divider, and your set to start filing away. Plus get this don't have enough money, to afford the cook in your family a gift this Christmas. Why not make them a Recipe holder. It's inexpensive.

4. You can use it to store away your utensil.Especially,if you are going out on a trip or not even that. you just out and don't want to spend any more money.

Living Better Cafe say's "Don't you go anywhere because you sure do not want to miss out, on what coming up next Tuesday, on Money Saving Tips, Living Better Cafe will be in the garden, creating different herbal butter/ margarine . So, you don't want to go anywhere.

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