Monday, November 9, 2015

Hot Out Of The Oven....Coffee

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*Note:Please continue to read this blog article.

Living Better Cafe is bring you Fresh out of the oven news, that you're going to love. That no other blog source will ever take you close into the story.
I say more good reasons to love L.B.C, not only are you revising original recipes. Your saving money while eating the way you want in a healthier way.
Welcome to Hot Out Of The Oven food news, I have yet another edition of food news coming straight from no other source but, Living Better Cafe of course.
As you have read through many editions of (H.O.T.O), since I have started this food news addition. You have became more wiser about what you buy,and place into your mouth. While I am very happy to continue to keep "Hot of the oven" going as much as you keep enjoy reading it every Monday.
In this edition I will be covering the Fact's, and Myths; plus Benefit's of Coffee. As most of the world consumes this beverage each,and every day.
BUT, what is the fact an Myth behind this Addicted drink? Don't worry I will cover it and have you rethinking more healthier, I Hope.
You say a cup of coffee in the morning may give you more energy in those early arrival mornings but, did you know that coffee is one of the main cause's of insomnia; so if you have a case of insomnia than you want to break away and grab for a slight different beverage.
Mr. Coffee has it's down perks especially if you have medical condition, like high blood pressure, an overactive thyroid, or suffer from anxiety. Did you know that? Caffeine may help protect brain cells from the damage that causes Parkinson’s, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. And the antioxidants in coffee could help prevent liver disease.
While Caffeine does not do the body good,Yes we may get our quick fixes from it but; the caffeine causes more damage then what our eyes can't see. Let's talk about people who have Osteoporosis, the caffeine is causing more harm to their bone's then anything. So, You want to strengthen those bone's then weakening them.
Coffee is said to have good benefits to but, what are they? I will cover those in the bottom line.
Feeling shorten of breathe (B.K.A - Asthma), drinking coffee with no sugar or honey- just opt out all sweetener for better relief; now this works for some (may not work for all)- like myself. The cause behind this may cause Jitteriest,as it's just a short fixes and does nothing for a long term relief.
As for some, coffee has became the brains nicotine and can be quite hard to break away. While there are study's that have shown that it does boost your brain power but, how true can it be?
researcher say before a test drinking a cup of Joe; can also sharpen memory and keep you alert.
But, if it makes you too jittery, mixing the regular with decaf, or drink it with your breakfast. Just to help keep your brain power going.
As there are Myths after myths on coffee, did you know? that coffee acts as a constipation reliever, Yes this is actually true.
The looking to go on a slim trim:
Caffeine in coffee is to believe to help speed up your metabolism and fat-burning, which helps lower your risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. And black coffee is one of the lowest-calorie drink choices around.
WOW There is way to many Fact's and Myths surrounding Mr. Coffee there will be a Part 2 to this story...........coming soon!

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