Monday, November 16, 2015

Hot out of the oven....Coffee part 2

Adapted from:…/31/benefits-drinking-coffee.a…

* Picture from:

*Note:Please continue to read this blog article.
Living Better Cafe is bring you Fresh out of the oven news, that you're going to love. That no other blog source will ever take you close into the story. I say more good reasons to love L.B.C, not only are you revising original recipes. Your saving money while eating the way you want in a healthier way.

Welcome to Hot Out Of The Oven food news, I have yet another edition of food news coming straight from no other source but, Living Better Cafe of course. As you have read through many editions of (H.O.T.O), since I have started this food news addition. You have became more wiser about what you buy,and place into your mouth. While I am very happy to continue to keep "Hot of the oven" going as much as you keep enjoy reading it every Monday.
In this edition I will be covering the Fact's, and Myths; plus more Benefit's of Coffee.
If last week edition Hot out of the oven wasn't enough, here is yet another coffee edition for you to read. Researcher have found that drinking coffee daily can help boots the survival rate in many people with advanced (stage III) colon cancer, drinking four or more cups of caffeinated coffee daily lowered the risk of cancer recurrence or death during the study by 52 percent compared to those who drank no coffee. Just by drinking two or three cups per day was also beneficial, lowering the risk of recurrence or death by 31 percent.
While researcher have also, found that coffee has been linked to lower the risk type 2 diabetes as well, a condition known to increase the risk of colon cancer. It’s likely that compounds in coffee may lower the risk of multiple chronic diseases via similar pathways.
Looking to drink coffee for health benefits, make a cup of black coffee, without sugar, non-dairy creamer or cream, or flavorings. If you are dousing your cup of coffee in creamer, non-dairy creamer, sugar, and other sweeteners and flavorings, you are missing out on the therapeutic benefits and potentially harming your health.
The natural blend of polyphenol antioxidants are part of what makes coffee so healthy. However, some research suggests that adding dairy to your coffee may interfere with your body's absorption of beneficial chlorogenic acids.27 Meanwhile, if you add sugar to your coffee you’ll spike your insulin levels, which contributes to insulin resistance.
Also, coffee beans are one of the most heavily pesticides-sprayed crops. So, you should select only coffee beans that are certified organic. Remember, you will obliterate any positive effects if you consume coffee that's been doused in pesticides or other chemicals. Whenever possible, purchase sustainable "shade-grown" coffee to help prevent the continued destruction of our tropical rain forests and the birds that inhabit them.
There are many who say shade-grown coffee tastes better as well. In addition, you'll want to purchase whole bean coffee that smells and tastes fresh, not stale; if your coffee does not have a pleasant aroma, it is likely rancid. Grind it yourself to prevent rancidity, as pre-ground coffee may be rancid by the time you get it home. If you use a "drip" coffee maker, be sure to use non-bleached filters. The bright white ones are chlorine-bleached, and some of this chlorine will leach from the filter during the brewing process. Bleached filters are also notoriously full of dangerous disinfection byproducts, such as dioxin.
Finally, while it appears coffee in moderation is beneficial, be careful not to overdo it, as some studies have found adverse effects when about 10 cups a day or more are consumed. When referring to a “cup” of coffee, most research considers it to be five to eight ounces with about 100 mg of caffeine. In contrast, a small cup at many coffee houses starts at 12 ounces while a large cup may hold 20 to 24 ounces. Simply be aware of how much you’re actually consuming.
While those are some good reasons to keep you're does of Joe going in the morning. Here are some every not good reason to strict away from you're morning cup of Joe.
You're coffee can be toxic, bad quality coffee can have a lot of impurities in it, which can cause sickness, headache or a general bad feeling. This can happen if your coffee is made from beans that have been over ripped or otherwise ruined. Even one ruined bean can make your cup toxic. If you invest and buy high quality, speciality coffee you don’t have to worry about this. This article will help you tell the difference between the two.
Death by coffee: Yes, if you drink 80-100 cups in a short session. This dose is lethal and will amount in 10-13 grams of caffeine within your body. Before you reach this point, however, you'll be vomiting most of it out since 23 litres of any liquid is a lot. Even drinking over 23 litres of water can kill you.
having cholesterol issues: Coffee beans contain cafestol and kahweol, two ingredients that appear to raise LDL cholesterol levels. Filtering the coffee traps most of the LDL, but cafestol and kahweol are found in espresso, turkish coffee, french press and scandinavian style “cooked coffee”.
Living Better Cafe Alert:
Please keep this in mind that whatever you choose to eat, or drink must be done in moderation because there is always a positive/ negative outcome to you're health. So I hope you all Think Better when Living Better! Continue to stick around every week for something new with a twist. Don't for get to "Share" among you're family/ friends/ coworkers, Help them Live Better Here at Living Better Cafe. smile emo

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